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Join Us

We normally recruit on an annual basis, drawing up a waiting list during the year before we start our active recruitment process in August. Successful applicants will initially be trained in basic skills and knowledge, and become part of our Operational Support team before taking the option to train further as Search Technicians. Additionally, we occasionally recruit for general support roles to manage our back-end operations.

Whichever role you assume, you can take pride in knowing you are volunteering as part of Berkshire Lowland Search and Rescue, helping to save lives in Berkshire, and supporting Thames Valley Police and Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue in their rescue operations. 

Operational Roles - Search Technician



  • Comfortable in the outdoor environment.
  • Physically fit and able to walk at least 5 miles in 2 hours.
  • A team player with a good sense of collective responsibility.
  • Be professional, honest and trustworthy.
  • Happy to be background checked.
There is no glamour in any form of search & rescue, and we would not wish to recruit anyone who wanted to join with this as their aim. The work is always sensitive and can also be traumatic on occasions. When operational we work in the strictest confidence and with the greatest integrity, especially as we may come under public scrutiny via the media.


In the first 9 months you will be trained in basic search and rescue skills, and form part of our Operational Support team. After which you will have the option to progress via our Search and Rescue Technician course (SARTech), which upon successful completion enables you to become an operational Search Technician.

Progressing on there may be opportunities to train further as part of the Water, Drone or Bike Team.


We ARE NOT currently recruiting for operational members, however, adding your name to our waiting list will ensure you will be considered for our next intake.

More on our basic operation

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Search and Rescue Support Roles



Support team members form the backbone of our operation, either operationally or back end. They may also be called upon to help with our training, posing as "missing persons" during search exercises, or medical casualties during our medical training.

Whatever role you choose within BLSAR there is a great sense of being part of a team doing something very rewarding, and helping to save lives in Berkshire.

Support team members within BLSAR play two crucial roles...


Operational Support members provide direct support to the operation, Vehicles and Equipment.

We ARE NOT currently recruiting for operational members, however, adding your name to our waiting list will ensure you will be considered for our next intake.


General Support members are involved in our "back end" operation helping the team with Public Relations, IT, fundraising and various other non operational roles.

We ARE currently recruiting for the following General Support roles...

If you have experience in any of the areas above and you are able to offer your services on a voluntary basis please contact us using the "Contact Us" button below.

Contact Us
Toutley Depot, Forest Road, Wokingham, 
Berkshire, RG40 5QP
Phone: 0300 321 0384
BLSAR is a UK registered charity no. 1202260